Sooner or later, we all must deal with separation in our relationships. Whether through death, life’s circumstances or incompatibilities, separation is part of the human experience. Unfortunately, separation is usually linked to pain, but we eventually learn how to deal with it, as we get older, and end up accepting it as something that helps us grow. When it comes to the twin flame romantic relationship though, separation is not like the typical breakdown. This is one of the most difficult twin flame stages you can experience. You question if you are going mad and why can’t you forget your twin flame?
In this article, we will discuss the twin flame separation stage; how long does it last; twin flame synchronicities during separation; the twin flame separation pain and why is twin flame separation so painful; the twin flame separation sickness and depression; and how do you deal with a twin flame separation.
Twin Flame separation
Meeting a twin flame and being romantically involved in a relationship, is one of the most special and beautiful experiences. Twin flame relationships start with an initial state of bliss. It’s like a fairy-tale story, where everything looks perfect and beautiful. The most common sentence twin flames use to describe the feeling of being in a twin flame relationship is “being home”. It feels as if we are where we belong, as if we have known them all our life. It makes all our previous relationships feel meaningless as if we have always been waiting for our twin, our “one”.
Unfortunately, in a twin flame relationship, the initial blissful connection is usually followed by separation and devastation. As twin flames constantly mirror and trigger each other, egos begin to clash and deep wounds start coming to the surface. As a result, almost every twin flame relationship ends up going through the twin flame separation phase, also known as the “runner and chaser” phase. This is one of the most common stages in the twin flame relationship.

During the twin flame separation stage, one of the twins (usually the one predominantly masculine) – the twin flame runner – gets overwhelmed by the strong connection and suddenly “runs away”. This leaves the other twin – the twin flame chaser – in a state of complete devastation and confusion. It is a profound and life-changing event.
Why do twin flames separate?
There are many causes of twin flame breakups. A twin flame relationship is not an easy road and our soul attracts a twin flame to support our consciousness evolution journey. The twin flame journey is one of the most painful but also most rewarding and growth boosting experiences. Twin flames mirror our deepest insecurities and traumas, bringing them to surface so that they can be identified and healed.
If you are separated from a twin flame, it means it was written in your twin flame soul contract and you were not ready for twin flame union yet. Most of the times, the “chaser” thinks that their twin are the ones who were not ready for the connection but in fact, none of them were. As perfect mirrors, twins reflect each other.
If your twin is struggling in a certain area, you will also, in some way, be facing that same issue but just not being aware of it. Subconsciously, there is always something hiding within yourself, that is an exact reflection of your twin. This is called the mirroring effect.
Let’s say your twin has insecurity issues, have you ever wondered if deep inside, you struggle with being confident? Have you ever wondered if you might have a fear of intimacy or a lack of confidence?
If you are in separation and it looks like the situation between you and your twin is not improving, it means that there is still a lot of stuff that needs to be healed and probably one of the twins still needs to go through the twin flame awakening process.
Although one of the twins is usually more awake than the other, both will have to go on their journeys separately and work towards feeling whole and complete without each other. Only when both are able work on their self love, let go of any potential outcome of the relationship and heal their wounds, they will be in alignment. When this happens, twin flame reunion is then possible.
However, not all twin flame relationships are supposed to be in union in the 3D. Many of them have the purpose of simply waking us up quicker and helping us grow so that we can fulfill a specific mission (the twin flame mission) that we came here to do on this planet.
This is what happened to me personally and some of my friends. After a long and painful period of healing, we ended up finding our mission and then attracting abundance as well as beautiful soulmates into our lives, and experiencing a new wonderful and more mature connection, much better than we could ever imagine. We would have not been able to experience all of this if we had not grown and evolved in our consciousness evolution journey, thanks to the twin flame triggers.
Twin Flame Separation Signs
Separation from your twin flame can be a painful and confusing experience, but there are signs that can indicate when a separation is imminent or has already taken place. Understanding these signs can help you to navigate this challenging time and find your way back to reunion.
Distance: One of the most obvious signs of a twin flame separation is a physical or emotional distance between the two of you. This distance can be felt both physically, as in living far apart from one another, and emotionally, as in feeling disconnected from each other’s energy and thoughts.
Communication Breakdown: A breakdown in communication can be a clear sign that a separation is taking place. For instance, there can be a lack of response to messages or calls from your twin flame, a reluctance to engage in meaningful conversations, or simply a general sense of disconnection.
Changes in Behavior: If you notice that your twin flame is exhibiting changes in behavior, it could be a sign that separation is imminent. For instance, this can include changes in habits, mood, or overall energy levels. They can become more distant, withdraw emotionally, or act out of character.
Dreams: Pay attention to your dreams as they can bring you many important messages. Dreams about your twin flame can be a sign that they’re trying to reach out to you, or they can be a reflection of your own feelings about the situation.
Synchronicities: Synchronicities can take many forms, such as seeing repeated numbers or patterns, having experiences that seem too coincidental to be a coincidence, or feeling a strong connection to someone or something you wouldn’t normally be drawn to. So, make sure you pay attention to all the signs and synchronicities around you.
Increased Intuition: Your intuition can become heightened and you may experience strong gut feelings or premonitions about twin flame separation. This can be a sign that you are receiving messages from your higher self. Make sure that it is your intuition speaking rather than your mind.
Physical Symptoms: Twin flame separation is sometimes connected to physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach problems, or changes in appetite. If you’re experiencing unusual physical symptoms, pay attention as they can bring you many insights about the situation.
Changes in Interests: Before and during a twin flame separation, it’s not uncommon for one or both partners to experience changes in their interests or priorities. This can include losing interest in activities that once brought joy, or finding new passions or hobbies that they never thought they would enjoy. These changes can be a sign that a separation is taking place.
Reoccurring Thoughts or Memories: Before and during a twin flame separation, it’s not uncommon to have reoccurring thoughts or memories about your twin flame. This can be a sign that your connection to them is still strong and that your subconscious mind is trying to communicate with them.
External Confirmations: Sometimes, the universe will provide external confirmations of a twin flame separation through signs or messages from the outside world. This can take many forms, such as seeing repeated images or symbols, hearing songs that hold special meaning, or receiving messages from friends or family members that seem to be related to the situation.
What happens when twin flames are separated?
When twin flames are separated, it can be a difficult and challenging experience for both partners. This is because the connection between twin flames is very strong and based on a deep spiritual bond. When twin flames are separated, they feel an intense sense of loss, sadness, and confusion, as if a part of themselves is missing.
Here are some of the common experiences that occur when twin flames are separated:
Emotional Turmoil: Separation from your twin flame can bring to the surface many intense emotions such as sadness, anger, or frustration. It is essential to try to stay grounded and balanced as much as possible.
Inner Conflicts: A twin flame separation can also bring about inner conflicts as each partner struggles to come to terms with the situation. This can include feelings of doubt, fear, or insecurity, and may lead to self-reflection and personal growth.
Spiritual Growth: On the other hand, a twin flame separation is also a time of spiritual growth and awakening. This is because it brings a heightened awareness of one’s own spiritual path, and an increased sense of purpose in life.
Reoccurring Thoughts: During twin flame separation, it’s not uncommon to have reoccurring thoughts or memories about your twin flame. In some cases there can even be obsessive thoughts. Make sure you ask for help if you find yourself in this situation.
Intense Longing: The bond between twin flames is so strong that when separated, both partners experience an intense longing to be together. This manifests as a deep sense of emptiness, a feeling of not belonging, and a strong desire to reconnect.
A Shift in the Dynamic: During twin flame separation, the dynamic between the two partners can shift. This includes changes in communication patterns, misunderstandings, or a feeling of distance between the two.
Testing of the Connection: Twin flame separation is a time of testing for the connection between the two partners. This involves a series of challenges and obstacles that must be overcome in order to strengthen the bond and deepen the connection.
A Time of Reflection: Twin flame separation is a time of introspection and reflection for both partners. This can include a process of self-discovery and personal growth, as well as a deeper understanding of the connection between twin flames.
A Journey of Healing: Twin flame separation is also a time of healing for both partners. This includes working through past wounds and traumas, as well as learning to forgive and release negative patterns of behavior.
A Search for Closure: During a twin flame separation, it’s not uncommon for one or both partners to seek closure or resolution to the situation. This can involve communication, self-reflection, or seeking support from others.
A Rekindling of the Connection: In some cases, a twin flame separation can lead to a rekindling of the connection between the two partners. This can include a deeper understanding and appreciation of the bond, as well as a stronger commitment to the relationship.
The Twin flame separation pain
Many people has asked me what does twin flame separation feel like. The twin flame separation stage can be very difficult and painful. As someone who has been in a twin flame relationship, I can personally relate to how people describe the feeling of separating from a twin flame. It is such an intense twin flame longing and agonizing pain that becomes almost incapacitating. It feels that all our hopes and dreams have been crushed. We feel empty, profoundly hurt and lost. The pain of being separated from our twin flame engulfs us from within, shattering our entire life. It’s an unbearable loss and it feels like there is nothing in life that can quite compare to this deep and painful suffering. The twin flame separation pain is indeed, one of the hardest things humans can experience.
If you are wondering how does the twin flame runner feel during separation, and if they feel the same pain than the “chaser”, the answer is yes. The “runner” also goes through a lot of pain during separation as they also have their wounds to heal, which were triggered by the twin flame relationship.
The Twin flame separation sickness
Twin flames in separation also report sudden and unexplained physical pain and illness during the separation stage. Some of the most common twin flame separation symptoms that people describe are problems in the solar plexus area and stomach pain. Many people also mention chest pain. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, make sure you still check with your doctor as it might be something serious that needs your attention.
The Twin flame separation depression
Twin flame separation depression is also very common and it can be experienced by both twins, not just the “chaser”. As the “chaser” struggles with missing their twin and, most of the times, lack of self-love as well, among many other deep emotions, the “runner” tries to suppress their feelings which often leads to depression. Not being able to accept their own emotions can have deep and harmful consequences to one’s mental health.
If you are experiencing the twin flame separation depression, please reach out for help and try some of the tips that I am sharing below. Depression is very serious and should not be ignored.
Twin flame synchronicities during separation
During twin flame separation, it is common for twin flames to experience several synchronicities. Here are some examples of twin flame synchronicities:
- Seeing 11:11 and other repeating numbers
- Seeing the name of the twin flame in unusual places such as online videos, license plates, ads, etc.
- Turning the radio on and listening to their song
- Thinking of them and then receiving a text
- Dreaming with them and getting answers to a specific question
Twin flame separation can be a difficult and confusing experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s a necessary part of the journey.
Remember that every twin flame journey is unique, and what may be true for one couple may not be true for another. It’s important to trust your own instincts and to seek support from friends, family, or a trusted therapist if you need it.
Should you contact your twin flame during separation?
Whether or not to contact your twin flame during a separation can be a difficult decision. It’s important to take some time to reflect on what you hope to achieve by making contact and what you are willing to risk by doing so. Consider your reasons for wanting to reach out and if you feel that this will ultimately bring you closer to your goals and bring closure.
It’s also important to be aware that reaching out to your twin flame during a separation may not have the desired effect, and could potentially make the situation more complicated. Communication during a separation can be emotional and intense, and it may be best to give each other space and time to process your feelings and come to terms with the situation before attempting to re-establish contact.
Ultimately, the decision to contact your twin flame during a separation is a personal one that only you can make. It’s important to prioritize your own well-being and to be mindful of the impact that your actions may have on your twin flame and your relationship with them. If you’re feeling uncertain, it may be helpful to seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or therapist to help guide you through this difficult time.
How long does the twin flame separation last?
Twin flame separation can last weeks, months and years. In most cases the separation lasts at least a few months. This is because the separation period is when twin flames have the opportunity to heal all the deep wounds that were triggered by meeting each other. The amount of healing and the time needed for that will vary for every twin flame couple. Some twin flames are able to recognize their issues and start working on them very quickly, while others might take years just to realize that they actually have wounds that should be addressed.
As soon as both twins do the necessary healing work, they will be able to align and reunite to build a healthier and stronger relationship.
Is twin flame separation permanent?
In rare cases, permanent twin flame separation can occur. This is when one or both of the twins decide not to do the necessary healing work which keeps them stuck at a low vibration. There are also cases of twin flames that did the healing work but still decided to not reunite. These are situations where the twin flame chaser gives up on the connection and decide to connect with a beautiful soulmate instead.
There is free will on the planet Earth and we always have the power to decide which path we take, nothing is set in stone, even in twin flame relationships, no matter how powerful they are.
How to overcome the pain from twin flame separation
During twin flame separation, pain becomes unbearable and we wonder if it will ever go away. The answer is yes! The pain will go away as soon as we learn the lessons that we were supposed to, at the right time. A twin flame separation is not the end of your story, it is just the beginning of a new phase in your consciousness evolution journey.
The intensity of the pain from the twin flame physical separation can be managed by the inner strength that you will grow from within as you take back your power. You become stronger as you start learning how to love yourself more and more.
Here are some tips to overcome the pain from twin flame separation.
Develop Self-love
Remember, in order to love others, you need to love yourself first. This means accepting yourself as you are, a beautiful soul having a human experience on Earth. Be your best friend, and appreciate some time alone, enjoy your own company.
Surrender to the soul lessons that you are supposed to learn. Surrender to self-love. Surrender to the current circumstances and allow your twin to “run”. Just love them for whom they are without judgement and regardless of the pain you feel. Accept that everyone is on their own consciousness evolution journey, learning their own lessons, at their own time. Be gentle, allow them to learn and grow without conditions or expectations.
Raise Your Vibration
The universe exists in energy and vibrations. When you are vibrating at lower frequencies, you attract negative events and people into your reality, this is the Law of Attraction. As you let go of obsessive thoughts, heal and connect with your higher self, you raise your vibration which will help you feel fulfilled and happy. Your energies with your twin will also begin to align, because there will be no despair energies just love. You can raise your vibration by practicing yoga, praying, and meditating. Try this guided meditation for healing twin flame connection
Have Gratitude
The pain from a twin flame separation is so intense that you stop enjoying everything else in your life. It’s essential to be grateful for everything in your reality, whether big or small. Firstly, be grateful for having met your twin flame as you don’t have that chance in every life time. Then, be grateful for the good times you spent together and for the lessons they taught you and how they’ve made you stronger.
Follow Your Dreams and Goals
One of the common outcomes from a twin flame relationship is waking up to your soul purpose. Find out what really motivates and drives you. What are you most passionate about? Then, work on a plan to follow your hopes and dreams. There is nothing more fulfilling and also more attractive to both you and your twin flame, than being on your soul’s path.
Eat a Healthy and Clean Diet
Following a healthy diet and taking care of your body is essential for your consciousness evolution journey. Food also carries energy that can lower or raise your vibration. Clean eating keeps your physical body in the best state for evolving and attracting a more positive reality. Try to eat more vegetables, fruits and stay away from processed foods. Eat foods to their most natural and whole state. Check out how to raise your vibration with high vibration foods.
Try Positive Affirmations
Positive love affirmations are a good tool to help you developing self-love and changing negative behaviours. The most powerful affirmations start with “I am” such as:
“I am loved”
“I am confident”
“I am healing”
“I am attracting love”
“I am powerful”
“I am beautiful”
Check out Affirmations for healing a broken heart.
I hope this article helps you somehow with overcoming the immense pain you’re experiencing from your twin flame separation. Remember, your twin flame is not responsible for your happiness. You don’t need your twin flame in order to be happy. You are whole and complete. You are a beautiful and unique soul on a consciousness evolution journey. Wholeness and fulfilment come from within.
Share this message with a dear soul dealing with twin flame separation pain right now.
Love and Light x