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Twin Flames

This Causes Twin Flames to Break Up

Souls Space
7 minute read
This Causes Twin Flames To Break Up

Twin flames are a unique type of soul connection that is said to be the strongest and most intense connection two people can have. This connection is often described as a feeling of coming home, of finding one’s other half, as well as a deep understanding and recognition of the other person. 

The intense connection between twin flames can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. It is not uncommon for twin flames to experience a strong sense of familiarity and a deep understanding of one another, even if they have never met before. However, this connection can also be tumultuous and challenging, as it often triggers old wounds and unresolved issues that need to be addressed. 

It is very common for twin flames to go though one of the most difficult twin flame relationship stages – the runner and chaser stage, also known as twin flame separation.

In this article, we will dive deep into the main reasons why twin flames break up so that you can take a closer look at your current twin flame connection and identify if you are at risk of breakup. 

Main causes of twin flame breakups

Intensity of the connection

One of the most significant causes of twin flame breakups is the intensity of the connection itself. The connection between twin flames is so strong and all-consuming that it can be difficult for both individuals to handle. This intensity can lead to feelings of suffocation and a desire for space, which can ultimately lead to the twin flame runner being overwhelmed and the twin flame chaser being left heartbroken.

Mirroring and triggering

Another cause of twin flame breakups is the mirroring effect and triggering of hidden wounds. The twin flame connection often brings to the surface parts of oneself that we don’t want to see or don’t feel prepared to see and address. These hidden wounds can be difficult to deal with and can cause one twin flame to blame the other for how bad they feel rather than focusing on what is actually triggering them.

Ego-related issues

Ego-related issues are also a common cause of twin flame breakups. The twin flame connection often challenges one’s ego, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and a desire to assert control over the relationship. This can create tension and conflict between the twin flames, which can be very challenging.

Unresolved past traumas

Another common reason for twin flame breakups is unresolved past traumas. The twin flame connection can bring to the surface old traumas and unresolved issues that need to be addressed. These past traumas can be difficult to deal with and can cause intense emotional pain.

Lack of communication

Lack of communication and understanding is another common cause of twin flame breakups. The twin flame connection is often so intense that it can be difficult for both individuals to express themselves and understand one another without being overwhelmed by intense emotions. This lack of communication and understanding can lead to confusion and miscommunication, which can ultimately lead to twin flame separation.

Fear of vulnerability

Fear of vulnerability and commitment also happens amongst twin flames. Sometimes it can be difficult for one or both twins to open up and be vulnerable with each other. This fear of vulnerability can lead to a lack of trust, commitment and intimacy, which can ultimately lead to frustration, unfulfillment and separation.

Resistance to the twin flame connection

Resistance to the twin flame connection is definitely one of the biggest challenges faced by twin flames. The twin flame connection can be so overwhelming and challenging, that it is not uncommon for one or both individuals to resist the connection at some point. They might feel that they are not safe in the relationship as the intensity feels unfamiliar so they can become defensive to protect themselves. This resistance can ultimately create tension and conflict between the twin flames.

Inability to overcome external obstacles

In many cases one or both twin flames will feel an inability to overcome external obstacles in their relationship. It might be financial issues, family pressure or any other external obstacle that they perceive such as long distance, or disapproval from others that can make it difficult to maintain the connection.

Lack of readiness

Lack of readiness is another common cause of twin flame breakups. If one or both twin flames feel like they don’t have their life in order and they still have a lot of personal goals to achieve, they may pull away and separate. This is because they feel that staying in the connection might prevent them from chasing and achieving their dreams.

Lack of self-love

If one or both twin flames have a lack of self-love, then it becomes very difficult to make the relationship work. When it is difficult for both individuals to love and accept themselves, they can not accept their partner. Self-love is the foundation for every healthy and prosperous relationship. Lack of self-love can lead to a lack of self-worth, which can ultimately lead to breakups.

Unhealthy codependency

Unhealthy codependency is another common cause of twin flame breakups. The twin flame connection can become too codependent, creating an unhealthy dynamic where one twin flame may feel suffocated and the other may feel insecure. This can lead to very strong feelings of resentment and unhappiness.

Projections and expectations

Projections and expectations can also lead to breakups. If twin flames have unrealistic projections or expectations of one another, it can lead to disappointment and separation as they feel like their partner is unable to fulfill their needs.

Different levels of spiritual growth

This is one of the main causes of twin flames breakups. Different levels of spiritual growth are very common in this type of connection. If one twin flame is further along in their spiritual journey than the other, it can create a mismatch that it’s difficult to deal with. Usually one of the twin flames has gone through their twin flame awakening process while the other still has a lot of healing and personal development work to do. This is one of the reasons why twin flames meet – to help each other on their spiritual journey and ascension


Twin flame breakups can be painful and difficult to understand, but we need to remember that the twin flame journey is a spiritual one. The twin flame separation is often a necessary step for both individuals to work on themselves, address unresolved issues, and grow spiritually.

It’s important for both individuals to work on their healing and develop self-awareness, self-love, and self-improvement. This will help them overcome the challenges that led to the breakup and potentially pave the way for a twin flame reunion.

Mastering communication in a twin flame relationship is crucial in order to understand each other’s needs and expectations. It is also important to be true to oneself and not compromise one’s own needs and values for the sake of the connection.

In the end, the twin flame journey is unique, and the causes of breakup may vary from case to case. However, by understanding the common causes of twin flame breakups and working on oneself, individuals can potentially avoid separation and rekindle the twin flame connection.

If you are going through a twin flame breakup, make sure you check how to heal the wounds of a twin flame relationship.

Love and light x

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