Spirituality is catching up very fast with the world. Though it is based on walking the path of enlightenment, it is not altogether a religion or a cult. Spirituality transcends religion, caste and creed. It is love, awareness, cosmic harmony and balance.
Every soul has a personal imprint that defines his spiritual characteristic more accurately.
Archetypes are characteristics that you are born with.
You entire life is charted out at your behest before you enter the Earth world and this remains as a blueprint of your soul for that particular lifetime. Your spiritual agenda is chalked out, and the behavioural patterns are instilled in your subconscious. Though the memory of your sacred Agenda is lost to your outer self, your Higher Self who holds your blueprint is ever leading you in the right direction.
At various phases of your life you are intuitively guided to follow your inner call, which ultimately leads to your divine purpose in life.
However, knowing your archetype can probably increase your ability to lead a more wholesome life. It helps you to make conscious decisions in life and help you live on healthier terms with the people around you. Your awareness of your archetype helps you move around in life with greater confidence and clarity towards your goal.
Spiritual Archetypes
Some of the spiritual archetypes are as follows:
The healer is instinctively drawn to learning various spiritual healing modalities and techniques. They have that inner assurance that they can heal with their inner power. Moreover, it is the desire to help relieve the pain and discomfort of people that makes them want to be a healer.
The Healer archetype is driven by a strong inner calling to pursue spiritual healing. They are naturally inclined towards learning various spiritual healing modalities and techniques, which they use to help relieve the pain and discomfort of others. The desire to help others is a key motivating factor for the Healer archetype, and there is nothing more fulfilling than seeing people heal and thrive under their care. The Healer archetype believes in the power of the inner self to heal, and they use this belief to channel healing energy towards others.
Hermits are the advanced spiritualists who renounce the worldly life to seek God in the solitude of the wilderness. The Hermit archetype is associated with those who have chosen to renounce the worldly pleasures and live in solitude in order to seek a deeper connection with the Divine. These advanced spiritualists devote their lives to deep meditation and self-sacrifice, living in remote wilderness areas and enduring harsh conditions as they seek enlightenment. The Hermit archetype is characterized by a strong sense of mastery over the mind, and a willingness to brave the elements and other challenges in pursuit of spiritual growth.
They spend their lives away in deep, transcendental meditation and self-sacrifice, braving the wind and weather and other stringent conditions of the wilds, with complete mastery over their mind.
The Disciple archetype is a student or follower of a spiritual teacher or guru, who seeks guidance and inspiration from their master in their quest for self-realization. The Disciple archetype is deeply committed to the path of spiritual growth and self-discovery, and is willing to make sacrifices and endure hardships in order to achieve their goals. The Disciple archetype is characterized by a strong sense of devotion and reverence for their teacher, and a willingness to surrender their own ego in order to learn from their master.
The Messenger archetype is associated with individuals who possess higher spiritual knowledge, power, and wisdom. These individuals are often seen as saints or messiahs who have been sent to Earth to help raise the consciousness of mankind. They remind people of their true connection with the Almighty and show them the right path to salvation. Messengers are driven by a deep sense of purpose and a desire to help others achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment. They are often seen as spiritual guides, and their teachings are considered to be divinely inspired.
The Yogi archetype is associated with practitioners of yoga, a discipline that encompasses much more than just breathing exercises and physical postures. Yoga is a way of life that emphasizes discipline, self-awareness, and the purification of the mind. Yogis seek to achieve liberation, or moksha, by uniting themselves with the universal Soul and becoming one with Absolute Consciousness. The yogi archetype emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to spiritual growth, and emphasizes the need for rigorous daily practice in order to achieve enlightenment. Yogis are seen as disciplined and dedicated individuals who are committed to the path of self-realization.
The Spiritual-Medium archetype is associated with individuals who act as intermediaries between the physical dimension and the dimensions beyond. These individuals use various methods of occultism, such as automatic-writing and voice-channeling, to communicate with beings on the other side. The purpose of a spiritual-medium is to transmit higher knowledge from the Beings of Light and share it with the masses in order to promote spiritual awakening in the world. Spiritual-mediums are driven by a deep desire to serve as messengers of the divine and help others connect with the spiritual realm.
The Mystic archetype is associated with individuals who possess psychic abilities and use their higher faculties to expand their consciousness and reach the Heart of the Almighty. Mystics believe in the power of Love and view it as the driving force that courses through the being of every individual. The aims of a mystic are wholly transcendental and spiritual, urging them to establish their conscious relationship with the Absolute. Mystics are driven by a deep desire to connect with the divine and experience the transcendent nature of reality. They view spirituality as a personal journey that involves self-discovery, inner transformation, and a deepening sense of unity with the universe.
In conclusion, spiritual archetypes are symbolic representations of the different roles that individuals play in their spiritual journey. Each archetype represents a distinct path towards spiritual enlightenment, and embodies specific qualities and characteristics that are associated with that path. By understanding these archetypes, we can gain a deeper insight into our own spiritual nature and the journey that we are on. Whether we identify with the Healer, Hermit, Disciple, Messenger, Yogi, Spiritual-Medium, Mystic, or any other archetype, we can use this knowledge to better understand ourselves and our place in the world. By embracing our spiritual nature and following our true calling, we can find greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives, and ultimately achieve a deeper sense of unity with the universe.
Do you recognise any of these characteristics in you? Let us know.
Love and light x