Welcome to the “Am I Spiritually Gifted?” quiz! This quiz is designed to help you explore and understand your spiritual abilities and sensitivities. It will ask you a series of questions about your experiences and beliefs related to spirituality.
Answer each question as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers, and your results should not be used as a definitive measure of your spiritual abilities. Instead, they are intended to provide you with some insight and guidance on your spiritual journey.
For each question, you will be given a score of 1-5 based on your answer, with 1 being “Not at all” and 5 being “Very much so”.
- Do you often feel a strong sense of connection to a higher power or universal energy?
- Do you have intuitive or psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance or telepathy?
- Have you had experiences of synchronicity or meaningful coincidences in your life?
- Do you feel a sense of purpose or calling in your life that goes beyond your personal goals and desires?
- Do you have a strong interest in spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing?
- Have you had experiences of feeling a deep sense of inner peace?
- Do you have a strong sense of empathy or compassion for others?
- Have you had experiences of feeling guided or protected by a higher power or spirit?
- Do you often have profound or life-changing spiritual experiences?
- Do you have a strong desire to understand the deeper meaning and purpose of life?
- Do you feel a strong connection to nature and the planet Earth?
- Have you ever had a spiritual or mystical experience?
- Do you feel a sense of oneness or unity with all things?
- Do you often receive messages or signs from the universe?
- Have you ever had a vision or dream that you believe had a deeper spiritual significance?
- Score of 30-35: You have a very high level of spiritual sensitivity, You are likely to be a deeply spiritual person with a strong connection to a higher power and a deep understanding of the spiritual realm.
- Score of 25-29: You have a high level of spiritual sensitivity. You likely have strong intuitive and psychic abilities, a deep sense of connection to a higher power, and a strong understanding of the spiritual realm.
- Score of 20-24: You have a moderate to high level of spiritual sensitivity. You likely have some intuitive or psychic abilities, a strong sense of connection to a higher power, and a basic understanding of the spiritual realm.
- Score of 15-19: You have a moderate level of spiritual sensitivity. You likely have some intuitive or psychic abilities, a basic sense of connection to a higher power, and a minimal understanding of the spiritual realm.
- Score of 10-14: You have a basic level of spiritual sensitivity. You likely have some interest in spirituality and may have had some experiences of synchronicity or meaningful coincidences in your life.
- Score of 5-9: You have a minimal level of spiritual sensitivity. You may have little interest in spirituality or have had few experiences related to it.
- Score of 0-4: You have a very low level of spiritual sensitivity. You may be skeptical of spirituality or have had few experiences related to it.
If you want to learn more about this topic, check out the article “Are you spiritually gifted? What are clair-gifts?”
Love and light x