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Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel Yeiazel

Souls Space
3 minute read
Guardian Angel Yeiazel

Who is Angel Yeiazel?

The guardian angel Yeiazel, also known as the “Angel of Freedom,” symbolizes liberation and independence. Yeiazel encourages individuals to break free from anything that is holding them back, whether it be physical or emotional chains. This angel wants you to live your life to the fullest, free from any constraints or limitations.

Yeiazel will provide the strength and courage needed to break free from old patterns or habits that no longer serve you. If you are struggling with any type of addiction or dependency, Yeiazel can help guide you towards a path of recovery and freedom.

This angel also has the power to purify negative energies, promoting balance and well-being in your thoughts and emotions. They can help you release any negative thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back, allowing you to embrace your true potential and live a fulfilling life.

People born under the influence of Yeiazel are often independent and seek to evolve and improve themselves constantly. They have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and do their best to live their lives in service of a higher good. They are not afraid of change and embrace new ideas and approaches to solve problems.

If you feel like you need help breaking free from anything that is holding you back, call on the guidance of Angel Yeiazel. Pay attention to your dreams and any signs or synchronicities that may appear in your daily life, as these could be messages from Yeiazel trying to guide you. Stay present and aware so you don’t miss any important messages or signs.

Guardian Angel Yeiazel Planets: 

Jupiter and Saturn

Guardian Angel Yeiazel Element: 


Guardian Angel Yeiazel Zodiac Sign: 

Sagittarius: People born between November 23rd and 27th

Guardian Angel Yeiazel Symbolism:

Yeiazel is the Angel of:

  • Freedom
  • Liberation
  • Independence
  • Evolution
  • Justice

Guardian Angel Yeiazel Powers:

Angel Yeiazel can help you with:

  • Breaking free from old patterns or habits
  • Recovery from addiction or dependency
  • Purifying negative energies
  • Embracing your true potential
  • Embracing change
  • Living a fulfilling life
  • Seeking justice and fairness
  • Achieving personal evolution

It is important to remember that while Yeiazel can provide guidance and support, ultimately it is up to you to take the necessary steps to break free from anything that is holding you back. This may require hard work and determination, but with the help of Yeiazel, you can find the strength and courage to overcome any challenges that come your way.

In addition to calling on Yeiazel for guidance, it can also be helpful to develop a meditation practice. Meditation can help you connect with your inner strength and clarity, allowing you to make decisions and take actions that align with your true desires and goals.

As you work towards liberation and independence, it is important to stay true to your values and beliefs. Yeiazel will support you in living an authentic and honest life, free from the constraints of others’ expectations or societal norms. Trust in yourself and your own path, and remember that you have the power to create the life you desire.

So if you are feeling stuck or limited in any way, call on the guidance of Angel Yeiazel. Trust in their support and allow yourself to break free from anything that is holding you back. Embrace your independence and live your life to the fullest, knowing that you have the strength and courage to overcome any challenges that come your way.

Love and light x

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