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Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah

Souls Space
56 second read

Who is Angel Nith-Haiah?

The guardian angel Nith-Haiah, also known as “God who blesses with wisdom” embodies tranquility, serenity, altruism, tolerance and wisdom. Nith-Haiah can help you feel at peace and compassionate for others as well as helping you share more and become more generous.

Ask for Nith-Haiah’s help if you are seeking wisdom and knowledge in the esoteric world. Your dreams will become more vivid and bring you the information you need.

Nith-Haiah can also help you develop meditation skills so that you can easily access more higher knowledge.

The guardian angel Nith-Haiah will also help you if you sometimes feel that you tend to do anything to achieve your goals without considering other people’s needs.

Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah Planets

Uranus and Jupiter

Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah Element


Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah Zodiac Sign

Leo: People born between July 23rd and 27th

Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah Symbolism

Nith-Haiah is the Angel of:

  • Wisdom
  • Tranquility
  • Altruism
  • Tolerance

Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah Powers

Angel Nith-Haiah can help you with:

  • Discovering hidden mysteries
  • Protecting you from misleading forms of love
  • Protecting you from misleading forms of wisdom
  • Improving meditation skills
  • Being more present
  • Being at peace
  • Being serene
  • Studying metaphysics
  • Practicing altruism
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