Who is Angel Hekamiah?
The guardian angel Hekamiah, also known as the “God who builds the universe”, symbolises loyalty, friendship and attachment. Hekamiah’s power can bring abundance in relationships, money, prestige, and social life.
Hekamiah is also the angel of social and political organizations and helps you to take on responsibilities of peacemaker and coordinator, as well as develop values of honesty and uprightness.
Ask for Hekamiah’s help if you want to become an ambassador, president or leader to practice the good and get loyalty from those around you.
Guardian Angel Hekamiah Planets
Uranus and Moon
Guardian Angel Hekamiah Element
Guardian Angel Hekamiah Zodiac Sign
Gemini : People born between June 6th and 10th
Guardian Angel Hekamiah Symbolism
Hekamiah is the Angel of:
- Loyalty
- Attachment
- Friendship
- Uprightness
Guardian Angel Hekamiah Powers
Angel Hekamiah can help you with:
- Behaving correctly and honestly
- Sticking to your commitments
- Becoming a leader
- Developing relationships
- Getting loyalty
- Overseeing and resolving difficult situations
- Being less arrogant, self-centred and overly ambitious
- Avoiding putting others on a pedestal
- Being responsible
- Being honest
- Gaining a positive reputation
- Gaining wealth
- Having a privileged life