Lightworkers are souls sent here with a specific purpose of helping the Planet raising its vibration. These are beings on the ascension path who are aware of their need to contribute to humanity. They are constantly searching for meaning and…
Consciousness is the state of awareness of internal or external existence. According to Max Velmans and Susan Schneider, “Anything that…
Since the last few decades a large number of beings from other galaxies have taken birth on Earth in order to participate with the Earth’s Ascension, and to play a major role in bringing about the Golden Age on Earth.
The world is hurting and the majority of us are too. Many of us live most of our lives believing that we ought to grab all the wealth there is in the World in order for us to be happy. In this pursuit we tend to become focused on the superficial.
If you are reading this article you are probably aware that absolutely everything in this universe consists of energy. Every thought,…